Forget the diet, make 2016 the year of Happy Eating!
So it is THAT time of year again! The time many of us feel obliged to commit to a year of losing weight. Weight loss regimes generally involve denying ourselves something that we like, or restricting how or what we eat, meaning these plans are often not sustainable past January. In fact did you know that the most likely long term outcome of following a weight loss diet is actually weight gain? The more you try to lose weight the more you will gain long term. So diets generally don’t work but we still kid ourselves that this year will be different, this year it will work…… And this is the reason that popular weight loss groups are bombarded with repeat customers every year. Not a bad business model I guess!
Even if we ignore the fact that diets generally don't work long term, it is also worth considering the message you are sending your children by going on a diet....