- To learn cooking skills that will benefit them later in life. Cooking, sadly, does not get taught enough in schools.
- Fussy children are more likely to eat food they have made themselves. Getting children involved in planning, preparing and cooking gives them a sense of pride. Bespoke cooking sessions are also available for ‘very cautious’ eaters – get in touch to find out details.
- Younger children learn fine motor skills and hand eye co-ordination from chopping etc. It always amazes me how much children enjoy chopping which brings me on to the next point…..
- Kids love to help and are very capable. Why not cash in on this enthusiasm and put the ‘little workers’ to use?!
- While you (or I) are cooking with your children, it is a great time to discuss why they need a balanced diet. Being able to understand this and make informed food choices helps children chose sensible options for themselves.
- Cooking is great fun. We all need to eat so why not make it an activity? Easier said then done? Hate the mess that kids make in the kitchen? Then send them my way!